Snippets From Ottawa February 18, 2007
Hey it is really nice to see the many postings to this blog. I am working a bit too hard these days but thought it good to add a little something. Ottawa is in the midst of its "Winterlude" festival - the weather, the ice, the sculptures and all are fabulous his year.
Ryan has once again received a sports award for the City of Ottawa for Volleyball. Here is a pic of Lauren accepting the award on his behalf from the Mayor and one of the local City of Ottawa councillors. Today he plays a critical game which if he wins he will be going to the national university championships in Hamilton next month. Please think of him!!
you're a little short for this award, Lauren! - Oma
How did he do on the game, by the way???
ryan won his game!!
So Carl and I will be going to Hamilton to watch the CIS National Championships - provided of course that Ottawa City Council passes their budget in time!!
Congratulations, Ryan! That is fantastic!
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