Sunday, June 24, 2007

Well some of you might well wonder what it is I do up here in Ottawa. Here are two links to the local press which might help you imagine a day in my life. I'm sure if you read it you will be one of the very few.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Lots o' wedding pics - laura

At the Musee des Beaux Arts in Montreal

Hi family!

Thank you so much to everyone for your amazing love and prayers. Dan and I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such supportive friends and family. We had such a blast seeing everyone who could make it to the wedding and, to those of you who couldn't be there, you were most definitely in our thoughts!

Here are a bunch of links to various photos from the wedding:

There are MANY more. But I figured these were a good start :) We still need to get our 'professional' photos from the photographer. . .he has over 200!

Dan and I returned from our honeymoon last night. We had an amazing time hitting up Kingston, the Laurentians and Montreal. I've posted a couple photos from our trip. Enjoy!


Minus an 'e' and what do you get?

Lac Morency, St-Hippolyte, QC

Picnic supper by the lake.

At the old port in Montreal