Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The yard never looked so good!

Thomas spruced up the yard so much in readiment for the For Sale sign - the bushes got trimmed, the mulch got spread (though I did most of the back-breaking weeding, I must say). In any case, I have a link if you want to see the pics.


Hopefully it won't be on the market too long - we'll keep everyone posted.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Forgot to say - Danielle's First Baby Shower is Today

You're such a beautiful 'lady in waiting', Danielle. I bet you think a lot about your upcoming baby when you play with Olice - and especially when you hold Georgia in your arms. It'll be neat if you can keep the baby's sex a surprise until the big day - but if you slip up and we find out early, that'll be grand as well. In any case, we don't have too long to wait - October 3rd is just around the corner!!

Life is just full of waiting anyway - Olice had to learn that he can't pick the blueberries 'til they're ripe.

Waiting on the Gibbs' Contribution

Wow - we're getting to be quite a crowd down here in the States. D&W's baby will be the 18th Blunder. On the scrabble board, notice how Ken is a bigger part of 'Baker' than the rest of us, with myself kind of joining the name vicariously. It worked out that all the girls are hanging on their daddy while Thomas is hanging with me. Kind of cute. Oh well, you know how I get...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Happy 9th Anniversary Bryan & Erika!

Wow... it's hard to believe that we were all celebrating the first cousin's wedding nine years ago... a whole lot has happened since then to be sure! Congratulations Bryan & Erika! We love you two and your three little cuties... Hope you get some time to yourselves in the midst of the craziness of life to reflect on your marriage and what wonderful things the Lord has done.

Monday, July 02, 2007

There's a Bit of Confusion Over This Picture.

OK, So everyone in the Schepers' clan knows the difference between these three sisters (from our reunion of a year ago). But apparently our very own grandson, Olice doesn't! He points to each of us in this picture and says: "Oma". Maybe he thinks his real Oma's done some sort of trick photography here. In any case, I sure would have loved to have seen his face if he'd been at the recent wedding in Canada.

In a year he may be able to figure it all out but at his age right now, I assume his little brain might flip if he were to see us all in the flesh together!

This is the picture I think I'll put on the fridge from this year's lovely affair, by the way:
It'll be a while 'til Olice can read but don't you think this shirt will help him to tell the difference? Hee Hee.

That was such a fun time, Laura - can't wait for the next Ontario wedding!!?

Aaron is next to get married, though! July 27th, right? Wish we could all be out west with you for your happy day! Take and share a LOT of pictures please!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

July 1st - Canada and Thomas' Birthday!!