Monday, February 26, 2007
Bridal Shower! - Laura
Last weekend, my maid of honour Julie gave me a bridal shower in Windsor. Here are a couple photos from the event.
The first is a photo of me with Anna (left) and Julie (right). Unfortunately, my cousin Sarah (the third bridesmaid) couldn't be there.
The second photo is of me in my ever-so-stylish paper-plate hat (handmade by Anna).
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Snippets From Ottawa February 18, 2007
Hey it is really nice to see the many postings to this blog. I am working a bit too hard these days but thought it good to add a little something. Ottawa is in the midst of its "Winterlude" festival - the weather, the ice, the sculptures and all are fabulous his year.
Ryan has once again received a sports award for the City of Ottawa for Volleyball. Here is a pic of Lauren accepting the award on his behalf from the Mayor and one of the local City of Ottawa councillors. Today he plays a critical game which if he wins he will be going to the national university championships in Hamilton next month. Please think of him!!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
dance! - Laura
Hi All,
So, with the wedding fast-approaching, Daniel and I figured we should start practicing our dance moves. If you'd like to see our moves, check out this website (it may take a little while to load): http://www.dancesisterdance
Enjoy! Hahaha.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Boys Will Be Boys
Well, one thing we love about having 1/2 of the Stateside Schepers clan on the East Coast is the fact that they boys get to hang out quite frequently. Although i didn't catch them on the couch again last night playing Thomas' new Xbox, i did manage to snap a few shots of them on the couch recently doing what these boys do really well... just hang out.