Saturday, December 16, 2006

Oh, Did I Say I Couldn't Sing?

Well, I CAN sing if I'm in a group like our Faith Sunday School class. Last night we went caroling - without accompaniment, mind you - to another local nursing home where Doris' and Iris' mothers are - and then to a few of the shut-ins of the church (Vivian Baer was the most delightful, to be sure!)

Afterwards we met at the home of the Graybeal's where we ate and drank, played a great game whose name escapes me. Then we were entertained by our host and hostess as they played one short piece on the piano and some other 'instruments'. I might have to try to blog the video for that - it'll definitely put you in the holiday mood when you watch it!! If nothing else, you'll know that this group knows how to have fun!! Love you - Marijke

Thursday, December 14, 2006

And now for even more family talent at Christmas!

This year Yours Truly got to be a wench at the annual Madrigal Feaste at our church. The Fellowship Hall was once again transformed into a meideval castle and the Lord and Lady of the manor presided over their invited 'guests' as they partook of seven courses of wonderful food and heard from different musical groups like the children's choir, the recorder choir, the adult handbell choir, the Madrigal Singers, the brass and the high school girls - all in costume for the period.

There is a jester - and a beggar who tries to eat from everyone's table all night long; at the end he is about to be beheaded but the Lord says: "Have we not learned anything of Christmas? And are we not all beggars at the Table of the Lord? Let the man come and eat at MY table!"

It's a very special evening with lots more work for me this year; when I was in the handbell choir it was fun, too - we got to process in and wear monk's costumes, then play in the balcony (can you see them in the picture?)

So, what is everyone else up to this Christmas?

Love and miss all y'all Canucks - Marijke, for the Southern contingent

Some of us, like Bonnie, can sing then there are:

Those of us who Ring!
This picture was taken at a local nursing home where our church's 'Prime Chimes' group accompanied the residents as they sang carols...
Love, Directress Marijke

The Boys at My House

Here are some shots for you of the boys in my life: Traveler, Todd and Jack Greer. I'm pretty much surrounded!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

At The Office - bonnie

This is where Albert spends most of his days. He could tell you lots more about it but I don't think he is an active blogger. Thought you would appreciate the suit. Ha ha.

It's Christmas Time - bonnie

It's official. We had our first Christmas Concert on December 3. Here is a photo of New Life singing with our sign language interpreter, Kelly Ann. She signs the songs with wonderful expression. Albert even played guitar for us on ' O come all ye faithful'.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Socrates - Laura

I know many of you have met (or at least seen photos of) Socrates but Marijke reminded me that not everyone is well aqainted with my one-winged turkey vulture friend. I've been handling Soc for about two years through Wildlife Education and Environmental Programs (WEEP) here at the University of Guelph. Socrates is one of our non-releasable birds used for outreach education. He was hit by a car in his hatchling year and his wing was broken. After much veterinary care, his wing was amputated in 1992. We also have two great-horned owls (Octavius and Einstein), a red-tailed hawk (Kaila), a broad-winged hawk (Whistler), a peregrine falcon (Calypso) and two American crows (Poe and Loki).

Rob's an Opa - What are you, Kim?

The following email message with the attached picture was sent by Rob a couple of weeks ago. I didn't realize that not everybody knew this news. I also didn't realize that Rob wasn't going to share any more information as this little fellow started growing.

PLEASE send an updated photograph, Brother and let us know how Ethan is doing now. It's amazing how strong such tiny human beings are but it's such a worry for the family as they experience a preemie birth.

Monday, November 20, 2006 7:32 PM Subject: Ethan Speirs . 3 lb. 8 1/2 oz. 16 1/2 " long KIM AND I ARE GRANDPARENTS

P.S. Olice was all of 2 lbs. 6 oz. so that makes Ethan more than a pound heavier or almost 50 percent bigger! Yikes. And, just so you can see what can happen, here's a shot of Olice then and pretty recently- with the aligator that he got from one of his nurses in the hospital ... Love you all - 'Oma' Marijke